Backlog Introduction

Over the years I've amassed a pretty substantial collection of video games, through legitimate or illegitimate means. It's the inevitable result of having spent quite a few years in pretty intense states of social isolation pre-transition, my disposable income had to go somewhere and it went toward amassing a comically huge library to throw my dissociated free time into. Eventually, I decided to take a slightly more structured approach to the thing, and set up a proper backlog consisting of every game I own, one which I have endeavored to keep up to date, and added to with games that I don't personally own a copy of but feel I should play at some point. I chipped away at this backlog, slowly, for a good long while, before deciding that I need a little more structure than just tracking what games I have played and need to play; I'm a bit of a slut for contextualizing the media I consume in the time it came out and what else was going on in the medium, and so the idea came to me that I should sort my backlog by release date and play these games in order. As I do so, I will be maintaining a ranked list of every game I've played as part of this project, and writing up short (or long, if I have a lot to say) pieces about each game, in order. I do not intend to finish every game I start, nor do I intend to have anything close to a definitive take on any of them. These are simply my thoughts as I play these games. I'll also be laying a certain amount of calvinball with what version I play of each of these games; I'm going to try to figure out a way to actually play Pong with the knob controls as originally intended, and where possible I will usually either play games on original hardware or on an emulator of said hardware, but for example I'm looking at the start of the list here and I'm definitely going to be playing the 1990 DOS version of The Oregon Trail, not the 1971 text-based version for the *checks backlog page* HP 2100 and CDC Cyber 70. I'm probably also gonna play the Sega Ages port of Outrun, sorry if that's sacrilegious but it's what I have easy access to and seems like a really good port. Anyway, I'll note what version of the game I played in the post about it, so you'll at least know how much of a poser I'm being. Also I'm not gonna play any gacha games or anything else I consider to be overwhelmingly predatory. You can check out my backlog and see what's up next here. With all that out of the way, you'll hear from me again after I've played some rounds of the first game on my list, 1962's Spacewar.

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