She's still speaking, but you don't hear what she's saying. You can barely hear anything, now, where you currently are. The world seems so distant, several layers removed from your existence. You're not too worried about it. You did what you could. Tried to make her understand. It's out of your hands now.
You smell something burning. It's fine. You don't see any flames, so the smell must not be real. You usually smell burning when this happens. If you pay too much attention, you can even feel the heat radiating off the flame. It's fine. It's not real. The fire can't hurt you. It's fine.
It's talking to her now. It's not choosing its words carefully like you do. It's not trying to be generous. It's fine. It's not creeping around its point to avoid seeming like it's attacking her. It's fine. You won't have to deal with it. You did your best. Now it's having its turn. It's fine. Your way didn't work. It can burn it all down. You weren't helping anyway. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.
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